Welcome to Ronald Ditmer's online PE library

This webpage provides free-of-charge technical information about modern porcelain enamelling technologies & equipment. (Just press Ctrl+D to bookmark this page, which will be regularly updated.)

The hereunder listed files are all created in Adobe Acrobat format for easy retrieval, distributon and reading. Click here to visit Adobe's homepage and to download your personal Acrobat Reader.

To retrieve and/or read the document of your choice just click on the hyperlink with its filename.


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Benefits of powder enameling

This documents sumarizes all major benefits of electrostatic dry powder enamel application versus the traditional wet application methods.

69 kB

Modern powdercoating technology for the enameling industry

Technical paper about powder enameling as pulished in "International Appliance Manufacturing 1999"


Recommended test prodedures for porcelain enamel powder

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Last update of my online PE library : February 8, 2009.